Our file collection is mostly PD, Freeware or Shareware.
Besides this freely distributable material we have written permission of the copyright owners to post some commercial titles.
All third party files offered here, licensed or freely distributable, remain the copyright of their respective holders.
All names, trademarks and logos used at this site are used for the sole purpose of textual and graphical identification, and still remain the property of their respective owners and holders.
Mentioning theses trademarks is no violation of applicable law.
Neither we, nor our host may be held responsible for any damage wich may be caused by using any files or information offered here, use all at your very own risk.
Please note:
Emerald Web is a 100% non profit project, we are a bunch of volunteers who maintain this project in their free time.
Our file collection is available for FREE - no profit is made from this site whatsoever, nor does this site carry any advertisement or commercial messages whatsoever.
Please feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.